Wednesday, October 10, 2012

No exercise yesterday. With the soccer game and other responsibilities at home, there was just no 'me' time. Also, Kevin (my teenage son) created a new workout plan for me that we started on Monday night and the soreness has set in now. I ate too much last night also for dinner so I've gained 2.3 back. Total weight loss is still 53lbs since mid-April so that is not bad. Would love to get to 60 lbs lost by the end of this month. I am going for my first 5K on Saturday. I may have to run/walk part of it but atleast its a start and I know I can finish. A heap more than what I could say 6 months ago. Tonight - exercise video (Jillian's 30 day shred) and eating right. Still logging everything into myfitnesspal and that has helped alot. Have a great day!!
Yesterday was the last soccer game of the season. Our son is 2nd from the left along with the other 9th graders on the team. We get a one week break from sports and basketball try outs are next week.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

OK - I know I said it before, but I really am re-vitalizing my blog but tweaking it a bit as well

I've really used this blog in the past for updating our family around the world of how the kids are doing. Now with facebook, that is much easier to do from that end. I am going to use this as a way to encourage/and journal my weight loss and exercise. I'll still post occasionally on how the kids are doing but it will mainly be for the weight loss/exercise journey.